vical mucosa has returned to its normal state, the
discliarge has decreased in amount, and resumed
its clear, mucoid character. Furthermore, the size
of the cervix -will have perceptibly diminished
through the removal of Order Trileptal Online the underlying cause of the
November 6, 19-'0.]
hypertrophy, except in those cases of a very tough,
fibrous cervix. In many cases I have observed a
shrinkage of fifty per cent, in the size of the cervix.
The time required to produce the desired results
by this treatment varies between three and six
months. Its distinct advantage is that it lessens the
necessity for extensive
amputation. The cases
of bad erosion and
ectropion which were
formerly subjected to
high amputation in Order Trileptal
or^er to get rid of the
diseased tissue require
after the treatment only
trachelorrhaphy or a
moderate amputation,
if any at all.
In Leonard's most
instructive and impor-
tant essay, to which
reference has been Trileptal 60 Mg
made, he has brought
out the advantages of
trachelorrhaphy over
amputation. He
showed that after tra-
chelorrhaphy, as . com-
pared with amputation,
there was an increase
in fertility, a decrease
in the frequency of
abortion and premature labor, and a more favorable
influence upon Trileptal 135 Mg the character of the ^rst labor after
the operation. He reports fertility Trileptal Vs Tegretol in thirty-eight
per cent, of the cases after trachelorrhaphy as
against nineteen Cheap Trileptal and four tenths per cent, after the .
amputation. Abortion and premature delivery oc-
curred Trileptal 450 Mg in twenty-eight per cent, of the trachelor-
rhaphy cases and in fifty-five per cent, of the ampu-
tation cases. The character of the first labor after
each operation is interesting. "Following amputa-
tion of Trileptal Cost the cervix, Tegretol Vs Trileptal the first labor was difficult in
seven of the eleven cases. In striking contrast to
this result is the fact that in eight of the ten cases
of full term pregnancy following trachelorrhaphy
labor had been easy." In addition to these figures
of Leonard, other authors have shown that dystocia
after amputation of the cervix (due to cicatricial
stenosis) is not only of frequent occurrence but it
may reach any extreme, even causing rupture of the
uterus. "After trachelorrhaphy, dystocia has evi-
dently seldom been met Purchase Trileptal Online with, for references to its
occurrence are very scarce."
If Trileptal Acne after the treatment of the cervix described
herein an amjnitation of moderate extent is still re-
quired to reduce the hypertrophy and relieve the Trileptal Coupon
ectropion, it should be undertaken. In order to re-
duce the stenosis following the amputation and to
eliminate the uneven surface produced by the older
plan of tying the sutures over the edges of the flaps,
I resorted to the Bonney suture Trileptal 150 to invert the long,
external flap of the amputated cervix. Unfortu-
nately, the traction of the suture not infrequently
caused sloughing of the central area of the inverted
flap, and left an ulceration which occasionally per- Cost Of Trileptal
sisted for a long time and in cicatrization caused a Trileptal 150 Mg
depression resembling a laceration, which detracted
from an otherwise satisfactory result. This defect
of the Bonne}' suture has been overcome in my later
cases by introducing both ends of the suture about
one quarter of an inch back of the edge of the
external flap and then carrying them through the
cervical wall at the edge of the internal flap Buy Trileptal Online before
they are tied to each other. (Figs. 1, 2 and 3.) This
modified method eliminates the pressure caused by
tying the suture over the edge of the flap, distributes
the tension over a wider Trileptal Generic Name area, prevents sloughing,
and gives a better cosmetic result.
During the last two years I have further improved
the cosmetic eiTect Buy Cheap Trileptal of amputation by exercising
greater precision in fashioning the flaps and more
exact coaptation of their edges. Trileptal Tablets These results have
been rendered easier by securing a bloodless field
of operation.
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